apdns-watcher − DNS protocol monitoring proxy |
apdns-watcher dns-server |
apdns-watcher receives incoming DNS requests, prints information about them, passes them onto the dns-server, accepts the responses, prints information from them, and passes the response on to the originator. It serves as a simple use of the APDNS library and as a development and debugging tool. |
0 |
Normal exit. |
1 |
A command line usage error. |
2 |
Error involving the protocol engine. |
apdns-watcher is implemented using the Austin Protocol Compiler and is mostly intended as a test and example for it. It is not intended to be used in a production environment. |
Many record types are not understood. |
— |
Tommy M. McGuire (mcguire@cs.utexas.edu) wrote this. |
aserv(1), RFC 1034 and 1035, various BIND documentation. For more information, see the Austin Protocol Compiler home page. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mcguire/software/apc/ |